We're thrilled to announce our partnership with TIME'S UP, featuring twelve inspiring and exclusive pieces of artwork created by Society6 artists. A portion* of all proceeds will directly support the organization’s vision of a world that insists upon safe, fair and dignified work for women of all kinds.

Art Prints

Totes, Pillows and More

Featured Artists

Ana Leovy

"“I was inspired by friendship and support among women. I wanted to portray a universe filled with hope, where reaching for the stars is not impossible. A place where we can rely in each other and become stronger together."

Alja Horvat

"Growing up in a world where the mindset is that we (women) are not smart enough or important enough is hard and tiring and I’m so happy this is finally changing. I’m embracing equality with both hands wide open."

Learn the Inspiration Behind Each Piece


TIME’S UP insists upon safe, fair and dignified work for women of all kinds. We get at the root of the problem of sexual harassment, abuse and other forms of discrimination by making sure women are safe on the job and have equal opportunity for economic success and security, including reaching the highest positions of power wherever they work.

*10% of TIME’S UP products sold on Society6’s platform, or 20% of such products if traffic for sales comes from TIME’S UP channels, will be contributed to TIME’S UP Now. TIME’S UP Now insists upon safe, fair and dignified work for women of all kinds. TIME’S UP Now is an independent, nonpartisan, and not-for-profit 501(c)(4) charitable organization that works for change across culture, companies and laws. The promotion will be offered through August 19, 2020.